Department Of Sport Rehabilitation


 Toward gaining reconnaissance and experience among the departments and faculties of sports rehabilitation at the local and  regional level.


The message of sports rehabilitation stems from the message of sports science faculty which focuses on the foundations of scientific excellnce. Thus, the department of sports rehabilitation seeks to enhance in the development of some sporting domains that depend on sporting rehabilitation in Jordan through the qualitative preparation of graduates. Furthermore, the department of sports rehabilitation seeks excellence in the specialized scientific research in order to develop the competences and skills of  graduates.

In order to achieve this message, the department of sports rehabilitation seeks to move forward through scientific methodology and cooperation with the various sporting as well as educational institutions and organizations in the local community.

The Objectives Of The Department


1-Preparing specialists to work  in the various fields of sports rehabilitation

2-Enhancing the technical competences of graduates to work in the field of physical fitness, physiotherapy, handicaps center, sports, and sports for elders

3-Conducting scientific research and studies in the various domains of sports rehabilitation

4-The effective participation with the government  and  private agencies to provide the scientific and practical specialized consultation.

5- Cooperating with the Arab and international agencies and organizations in studying the matters and issues related sports rehabilitation

6-Pursuing the development of sports rehabilitation programs in line with the scientific and technological advancement.

7-Prosecute providing voluntary services to the local community in the domain of sports rehabilitation.